Wednesday, 24 September 2008

The Dreaded Q Word!

Most people like me fear the Q word. It terrifies you to your soul, giving you nightmares of mass murder in blind rages and reminders of irrational PMT anger. The very idea of the Q word makes most of us break out in a sweat and reach for the nearest lighter.

I am of course talking about smokers and the word... dare I type it... Quit!

But there comes a time for some of us where we start to realise that saying 'Well you know me, once I start something I never quit' is no longer mildly hilarious (which it once was I promise) but just a lame way of changing the subject and distracting the person while you reach into your pocket to dig out that last precious rizla.

It was because of this and the terrifying realisation that if I don't quit before I'm 30 my body is irreparably damaged for life, that last Wednesday I started attempting the dreaded Q word. This Wednesday I am still attempting the dreaded Q word. Yes, you'd be proud to know, non existent reader, that I am still plugging away after 1 week, only 5 cigarettes and 3 major panic attacks. Q word is just a tad stressful!

Luckily for me the Fella has been here most of the time for flat-hunting purposes which took my mind off of most of it. However, so far this is what I have learned about the Q word:

  1. NiQuitine patches give you messed up crazy dreams if worn over night. Fun for the entertainment factor, bad for the sleep.
  2. Any small, brightly packaged, high calory food quickly comes into the category of 'Well at least its healthier than lung cancer'.
  3. The Q word apparently has a tendency to turn any mature, reasonably stable person into a spoilt 5 year old at any given moment. (This is where the Fella's inability to be phased by anything comes into handy).
  4. There is no such thing as fresh air in London, smoker or not.

Now, I've been smoking since I was 14 so any adult problem that has come my way has always been semi-dealt with by the inhilation of poisonous fumes so I'm pretty sure there are more tears and tantrums to be had. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Tinman said...

I also am going smoke-free as of today the date designated about a week ago...
